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Old 08-10-2012, 03:30 AM
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Default Thoughts on Mercedes 190E 2.3-16v

I'm thinking about picking up an old Mercedes Cosworth. Has anyone owned one or had experience with one and would like to share their thoughts with a prospective Cossie owner?
Old 08-14-2012, 12:08 PM
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I have no experience, nor have I ever owned a Mercedes. The thing that has kept me from ownership is the lack of info on the web about their cars. It seems that most Mercedes owners must not be DIYers like BMW owners. You can pretty much find a fix for any problem you have with older BM's, but it seems to be more difficult to find info when I've tried to do research.

Another thing to look into is parts availability and compatibility. People always seem to say that Merc (and especially AMG) parts are expensive. I always heard that about BMW's before too, but they don't seem that bad to me, so maybe Merc's are the same. You just have to shop around

With that said, I may pic up an AMG C43 if the right one comes up, and maybe you are in the same position with a 190E Cossie
Old 08-14-2012, 04:48 PM
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I own two Mercs (300E and 500SL) and you are right the amount of DIY info on the web pales in comparison to BMW and VW. Especially the 500SL. Parts aren't expensive though, at least not if you shop around and go used as I often do. Of course they may be even cheaper if I were driving a Toyota but I have no experience with that.

Ah the C43. It seems they sold boatloads of those in Japan. I want my next car to be a manual though.
Old 08-14-2012, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by admin View Post
I own two Mercs (300E and 500SL) and you are right the amount of DIY info on the web pales in comparison to BMW and VW. Especially the 500SL. Parts aren't expensive though, at least not if you shop around and go used as I often do. Of course they may be even cheaper if I were driving a Toyota but I have no experience with that.
LOL!! That's funny because the 500SL is the exact car I was first trying to find info on a few years back. The only thing I seemed to be able to find info on is that the operation of the tops can be problematic. There's a bit on the C43's and a fair amount on the C36's.

Originally Posted by admin View Post
Ah the C43. It seems they sold boatloads of those in Japan. I want my next car to be a manual though.
Did they? It seems they aren't too rare on the auctions, so maybe you are right. I was trying to find world wide production numbers for the C43, but I only seem to be able to find North America numbers.

I'd like my next car to be an auto, so I can convince my girlfriend that it would be a good idea to buy another car because then she can drive it too

Last edited by Scooter; 08-14-2012 at 09:10 PM.
Old 08-15-2012, 07:15 AM
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Well, well, well....look what just showed up for sale locally...

Far from immaculate, but at 25 years old, it's been around for a while...

1987 Silver Mercedes-Benz 190E limited edition Manual 5spd 16V Cosworth engine. 239,645KM

If your looking at this car you should know already about it's heritage and limited quantity of production from Mercedes. If not you should probable do some research before asking any questions.
Vehicle is fully loaded with Power locks, Mirrors, windows, moonroof, brakes and power steering.
Black Leather interior which is immaculate.

I have both of the front hood symbols which I took off in fear of them being stolen.

As you can see in the photos the car is in great shape.

If you have any further questions feel free to ask and I also have more photos available to anyone serious.

$7500.oo OBO
Please call 604-873-4826 with questions or to view anytime after 6pm weekdays and or weekends
Thank you for looking

Old 08-15-2012, 07:21 PM
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Seems a bit rich for the condition. Low km examples come out of Japan pretty cheap. Unfortunately they're mostly automatics.

cosworth, mercedes 16v

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