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Old 01-08-2012, 05:30 PM
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Default Getting the 15-year exemption reduced

For those Americans who aren't aware, up here the restriction on importing non-NAFTA vehicles is that they have to be 15 years old or more, while in the USA the cut-off is 25 years.

Over the Christmas break I took the time to write the Minister of Finance, as it is his department who regulates this exemption. I asked him to consider reducing this restriction down to 10 years.

Other Canadians who are so inclined should write Minister Flaherty as well. My appeal to him was based primarily on a 'freedom of choice' argument as this regime has shown itself to be somewhat inclined to less government interference in our daily lives than previous ones.

On a related note, Canadians will soon be able to import older vehicles from Mexico, with the age restriction dropping two years each year into the future. Did Alpina ever retail cars in Mexico in the late 1990s/early 2000s?
Old 04-28-2012, 03:37 AM
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We wish our restriction was only 15 or even 20 years here in the U.S. As usual, we are over-regulated to death by our controlling Federal government.

Old 05-16-2012, 11:49 AM
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Taking this off topic a bit, but there's pluses and minuses to living where we do. For the most part most people in North America can't really complain because there are much worse places we could be living. With that said, it's always good to speak up because it will at least make the decision makers aware that you are paying attention.
Old 05-21-2012, 02:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Scooter View Post
Taking this off topic a bit, but there's pluses and minuses to living where we do. For the most part most people in North America can't really complain because there are much worse places we could be living. With that said, it's always good to speak up because it will at least make the decision makers aware that you are paying attention.
Having just come back from 2 weeks in Europe I agree North America is a terrific place to live (not that Europe wasn't wonderful, it was).

However it isn't terrific because of our politicians, it is terrific despite them quite often. Thankfully here in Canada and the US our politicians haven't seen fit to intrude into our lives as much as they have in other countries on most issues. Just on driving issues it seems. It sure is fun to pass a police van at 170 km/h on the autobahn as I had the joy of doing 2 weeks ago!

15 year rule, alpina, mexico

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