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Old 10-24-2015, 04:26 AM
bmb7t bmb7t is offline
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If I recall the #507 was not sold and it went straight to a museum or storage at Alpina. So #506 would be the last one on the road.

The M5 is likely to be more usable. And so is most likely a simple 540i.
There are very few roads where the B10 could be used, enough to push it. Maybe the old nurburgring track? I dont own either one but I would suspect that the M5 is a bit the same. Especially in Canada, difficult to use them as intended. Isn't it the same with most of the car today, even M3..all the M.., audis, porsche...? where and how to have fun with them? 2-3 seconds from any red light start or when passing a car?

However just the fact to own a special car and to cherish every details bring lots of pleasure, even if the car spend most of its time in a garage.
Old 10-24-2015, 04:40 AM
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Well you've hit on a very interesting question.

My experience is the BiTurbo is more fun (faster and more refined) than an E34 M5 but not as fun (slower and more refined) as an E39 M5. My E39 experience is very minimal however.

The larger question that I've been pondering is why we buy these classic cars when modern cars exceed their performance, sometimes by substantial margins, and often for less money and less upkeep. Surely a 135i is as much fun as an older Alpina, or other late 1980's classics.

I think if I'm honest the attraction for me has been in owning the nearly unobtainable. The extremely rare. The unique. As my family and demands on my time grow, I'm not sure this fetish will continue. I may even move into the 2000s in my car purchases!

One advantage these old cars have though is lack of depreciation. I'm guessing a B10 BiTurbo is headed a lot higher in price, especially in Germany. The E39 may in the future, but not for awhile yet.
Old 10-29-2015, 12:14 AM
valdis valdis is offline
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Hi all ! Saying laud and proud - this baby is sold to us

Old 10-29-2015, 08:42 AM
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I don't see your location posted, so where is the car off to?
Old 10-29-2015, 09:11 AM
valdis valdis is offline
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Thank you ! I'm from Latvia, small country in Europa, north.

alpina, b10 biturbo

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